Future Material!

Nothing too crazy to post today, but I figured if for no other reason than a bit of self-motivation, I would post about what I'm planning for the next content post.

I've been going through the excellent Practical Ethical Hacking course from TCM Academy and it's been a blast so far. There are tons of things covered (and I'm sure even more will be dropped in my lap when I wrap it up and move onto their Linux and Windows privilege escalation courses).

The part I'm currently working on that has been really interesting so far is the Windows exploitation part of the course, and I figured for my own edification, if nothing else, I would do a bit of a deeper dive into some of the tools used so far and explore them a bit more in depth, and show some of them working in the home lab I've got going. Might even do a little background research of some of them, since reading the book Sandworm has opened my eyes to the insane backstory on some tools like Mimikatz that sound like stories ripped from an espionage thriller. 

So, all 2 of you who read this, stay tuned for more! 


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