It's Been a While...Again.
In what feels like a now familiar post, it's been what might be generously describes as a "short eternity" since I've updated. My goal is to get better at updating this thing, and I feel I was probably a bit over-ambitious in the past, aiming for bigger blog posts that take a lot of time and effort to cobble together, which doesn't always pair well with my ADHD between work and life going on in the background. That said, I've been diving more into the studying lately, and I felt like it would be a great time to actually try and get some more updates out there. At work, I've been fortunate to move more into the Vulnerability Management side of things, while still having my work with the Incident Response team about half the time. One thing I realized pretty quickly when I started working with the web application scans and vulnerability assessments was just how much more knowledge and skills were needed to do this at even a competent level. I'd taken th...